What is Google Adsense ?

Google Adsense is a PPC ( pay per click) advertising program that allows webmasters to earn revenue by adding contextual advertising to their web site and get paid each time that someone clicks on the adsense ads that on their web site. what is great about this program is that even if you don't drive a lot of traffic to your web site you still can make nice amount of money from some keywords that pay more than others because advertisers bid up the price for certain keywords when there is a lot of competition. As a result, a site with few visitors but expensive keywords in their adsense ads can potentially still pull in a good payout to cover at least the hosting costs and if your site is optimaized for adsense then you can make a real extra income. You can even make a living from adsense but for that you need a well adsense optimization for your web site and to find those top paying keywords (and that is what this site is all about). . . . . . . .More

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