Top 20 Tips for Beginner Bloggers

1. Choose a topic that you know, like, and are passionate about. This way you will never getbored and will keep your audience always interested and asking for more.

2. Pick a topic where there is not a lot of competition. If your topic is too common, tryaddressing
it from a particular angle or focus on a specific niche. For example, there are many sites that talk about cars, but few that specialize in only one brand, and even fewer that focus on only one model. The key to be successful is to find a specific enough topic with a large enough audience.

3. Open a Blogger account. It is free and easy to use. That way, you won’t have to invest incostlier platforms like MovableType or TypePad before you have the chance of finding out if blogging is for you.

4. Use a minimalist template, preferably one with a white background. This format is easier to read and pleasant to the eye when you combine it with color pictures.

5. Use pictures to dress up your blog entries and give your blog a more professional appearance.You can find excellent pictures at a very low cost in, or even free in Flickr (don’t forget to ask the owner of the picture for permission before you use it). . . . . .More

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